
CJMQ Radio Bingo is now giving away $1,000.00 for a full card!! Our first winner last week was Dominique Huddon! She was the only winner for full card so she didn't have to share! She was also one of the 8 winners for the first game (straight line). Congratulations Dominique!!! She bought her bingo card at The Golden Lion Pub, but there are a lot of places to buy your card, find the list of businesses selling our cards on our website or on our Facebook pages. Cards are only $6.00 apiece and you must be 18 years and older to purchase one. CJMQ Radio bingo is on every Tuesday night at 7pm. 

Here are the two winning photos from our Halloween Bingo Photo contest. The first winner of a $100.00 check is Danielle Dumas and Taya Purcell. And the second winner is Sheila Webster in the pumpkin costume. Sheila wins a $50.00 check. Thanks so much to everyone who sent in photos! We will be having more contests in the future for our radio bingo.